How much can I afford?
This user-friendly calculator takes into account essential financial factors, such as income, monthly expenses, down payment, interest rates, and loan terms, to provide a realistic estimate of the maximum amount an you can comfortably afford within your budget. By entering these variables, you can gain a clear understanding of your financial capacity, making well-informed decisions about your affordability.
How much can I afford?
Should I Pay Points?
This tool offers a clear-cut analysis of whether paying discount points upfront is a financially sound decision. These points, often known as mortgage points, allow you to lower your interest rate and, in turn, reduce your monthly mortgage payments. By inputting specific financial information such as loan amount, interest rate, and the number of points, this tool provides an estimate of the break-even point - the point in time when the accumulated interest savings from paying points surpasses the upfront cost.
Should I Pay Points?
Mortgage Calculator
This tool simplifies complex financial calculations, allowing you to estimate your monthly mortgage payments, total interest costs, and the impact of different down payments or interest rates. By simply entering the property price, down payment, loan term, and interest rate, your can gain immediate insights into the financial commitments associated with homeownership.
Mortgage Calculator